Become even more of the tough protector type that celebrates manliness. An impenetrable wall. Fully accepting your male characteristics and allowing them to surface in your own individual way. Going Bear Mode is all about being comfortable with yourself as you are, keeping others safe and comfy in the process, all while being tough as nails.
It’s all about having more. More abundance for you, and anybody else that wants to be on your side.
This also comes with a bonus Bear themed file
Korain –
I love this file. I keep going back to whenever I’m feeling lost or down and it always takes me very deep and helps me get back on track. This is a very positive and easy-going file. It takes its time, letting your imagine what you want to become. I really enjoy that part, but it helps to have a good idea of what you want beforehand.
A have to admit that I’m not too sure how the abundance part fits here. It doesn’t do much for me, but it doesn’t hurt.
Another thing I like is that, despite the theme, there’s no mention of fat or sex in this file. That is, it doesn’t push you in any one direction.