The worst wealth creation book you should read–Think and Grow Rich

So you want to become an entrepreneur. Whether that means making an extra 50 bucks a month or 50k a month, it’s kind of similar. How is it similar? Well, if you’re the type of person that can make a little without even having a job, then you’re the type with the capability to make […]
Coach makes a sports hero using jock hypnosis

“Hey, Coach? I’ve been struggling on the field for a bit and I could use some help. Are you here?” Steve knocked again, after getting no answer. “Coach?” He opened the door to his coach’s office and Steve found the man staring intensely at his computer. “Coach, are you feeling okay?” The middle-aged man stayed […]
How to get someone to hypnotize you on the internet

You don’t have to follow any of these suggestions in order to meet someone on the internet and get hypnotized by them. But it WILL increase your chances! Upload a profile photo First things first–and this may be the most important. Whenever possible, use a profile photo of yourself. Anything is better than nothing. […]
Making A Bodybuilding Jock

As I’ve discussed before, I’m a gym instructor. It’s a very rewarding job, and it feels great to take someone and turn them into their best self. A little while back, I walked into the dressing room after another shift when I saw a teen sitting with his hands in his hair. I asked him […]
Snake Transformation Hypnosis

This is a fantasy snake transformation experience. Many things can be done to your body, and mind with hypnosis. But just for today, none of these things will really happen to you, you will be transformed physically and mentally into a timber rattlesnake. You will fall asleep after this, perhaps even dreaming about this experience, […]
Life with the Dumb Bodybuilding Center

See bodybuilding muscle files My name is Jack and I am a gym instructor. It is a tasking job, but sometimes, it just comes in as something I enjoy doing…. Hypnotizing jocks to grow muscles. I got home early today, namely by 6 pm. Usually, when I have lots of clients, I would stay up […]
Muscle Growth Text Trances

How to mesmerize your muscles and grow them just by reading this text -Set aside a few minutes and read one or two of these. Or all of them! -Get comfortable, wherever you are! -Imagine my voice speaking to you as you read it. -Read. As. Slow. As. Possible. -Follow the instructions. You may even […]
7 Testosterone Building Supplements

Here’s a few of my absolute favorite supplements that increase testosterone levels. Most of these are just health supplements with an added bonus of a testosterone increasing effect. I’m big on health supplements, I think they can be a Godsend. Why else do you think today’s athletes are bigger, faster, and stronger than ever? A […]
5 Best Muscle building tools under $40
Getting into great shape doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. Sure, you could buy a Turbo Infomercial Fitness Machine 9000, but it’s going prohibitively expensive and take up too much room. That’s why all the items here are just $10-40. Hand Grips These are just simple grips that go over any typical sized barbell/dumbbell […]
Happiness is not a requirement for manifestation

Many think that happiness it is an absolute requirement to get what they really want. This is not so! The only thing that you need is focus and a little emotion tied to it. If you think of it, and it makes you feel something, then it must come to be. The emotional body does […]