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Mystical mind-control themed deepening session.

Dive in and you will submit to hypnosis. All suggestions under hypnosis will become increased, and have a powerful effect. You have no control, and why would you want it when you can have this? You are willing to give up control to the power of trance. You’re letting your world become the world of trance.
Effects:Deeper trance ability, slow time perception, Increased surrender to hypnosis


Yep. I can’t believe it’s free, either

This media is for entertainment purposes only. The information provided is not intended to replace medical treatment. Transform Hypnosis and Jackstock are not responsible for any injury or damage resulting from engaging with the content provided. Never listen to this content while driving or operating machinery, or any time that it is not safe to fall asleep.


  1. Rgn

    I love many of the files Jackstock has created. I find this file to be very special to me. I love experiencing deep trance. This file deeply relaxes me and helps me dismiss the buildup of daily stress. It has instilled a stronger desire in me to let go and give more control to Jackstock. It feels so good to give up more control. Definitely has increased the effectiveness of other hypnotic files. Leaves me feeling great about myself. Thank you Jackstock!

  2. robetspring

    I’ll try it and then tell you how I was …

  3. robetspring

    It is the first time I go into a trance with a file of hypnosis. It feels very pleasant, more and more with every listen, pesne it was just something to appeal, but in reality, feel increasingly gans hear every day, female voiceover calms and advises and relaxes much more .he managed to feel lose track of time and I feel much better being more ovediente is amazing how enjoyable it is. at the end of the session you feel like a inmenza joy and around almost does not bother you.
    really exciting trance. Addictive.
    thanks Jack

  4. Steve

    Jack, this is one hell of a file. To say that it is special is an understatement. I love your voice, the scripting…everything. It just got finished listening to it twice this afternoon. I love how you can trance me out… I use it as prelude to your other files, especially Mutant Muscle and Muscle Stage 1. I notice the more I listen to the file the faster Iand deeper I trance. Not awake or asleep…but I feel do freaking good listening to it and the afterglow is dynamite! I feel fantastic listening to this. I hope that all of your files will be as complex as this one, if not more so. If you can do this, I know you can really twist things up a hell of a lot more severely. This is in a league of it’s own! Congrats!

  5. eric9671

    It is my favourite file. It helps me to go to another world, the world of trance: without stress and any tension. I give them to Jackstock who take cares about me. And any time i listen i am able to appreciate this state more and more. It becomes almost a daily date with Jackstock who helps me and makes me to desire to give him more control. And once i reach a deep relaxation and freedom i can at first appreciate this state; then it becomes a pleasure in mind and body. When i wake up, i continue to feel the pleasure for a bit. During the day, when i need a break, my mind goes to the “nice place” where no stress is allowed, but only pleasure, looking forward to listen the file again.
    Thank you Jackstock, your voice is wonderful.

  6. Drew Wirght

    Just listened to this file for the first time and it really blew me away. Took me down so deep. Really enjoyable. Thank you.

  7. Brad

    I am currently listening to this files ( deeper) and absolutely love it. Thank you so much for making it FREE

  8. Norman Cates

    I don’t get it. This is nothing to do with helping going deeper. It’s just a bunch of nonsense about being connected to me and being in my brain. I can trance, but I can’t seem to go as deep as I would like. So I’m afraid this just made me so very very angry. It’s nothing to do with what it says it is. It’s just Jack trying to take some kind of control.

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