

You become abducted by aliens and beamed into the mothership in another galaxy. You find yourself in an extraterrestrial experiment to make you ultra-manly. They change your brain with alien implants that cause you to have ultra masculinity.

Personality Traits: Action oriented,  generous, encouraging, abundant, clear-minded, intellectual, growing, forwardness, look people in the eye, take on fears, powerful, worthy, sharp

Headphones required!


  1. Daryl

    One of the best hypnosis files I have ever heard from start to finish. The hypnotist is great and really pulls you in. Everything that’s in the description of this file actually happens no gimics no tricks you feel it to the fullest extant.

  2. Bullyboy

    My boss has noticed a change in since I’ve been listening to your files and gave me a raise. He said my attitude is what we need more of around here. Thank you. Now I know what it feels like to be a real man.

  3. Renato

    This file surprised me. I felt with such power, a natural power, nothing forced. A security and self-esteem unshakeable. The feeling of respect from others is amazing. I look around me and see the admiration of men and women. Even though I am the center of attention, I feel totally comfortable. A great work !!!

  4. Jeff


  5. Jeff


  6. Jeff

    Nice file

  7. Jeff

    Great file

  8. Maponus

    I would talk about the effects of this file, but I honestly don’t really know what they are, because for some reason I can never really remember what is said in this file. This is very unusual for me because I very rarely experience hypnotic amnesia even when it is being very strongly suggested, I don’t even experience it for any other of Master Jackstock’s files. But this file, I just go somewhere else. I have a very strong memory of my first listen to it, where I just went into a fantasy land and didn’t remember a word of what was said after the induction. I was just so relaxed and peaceful, I just imagined myself resting in a forest naked. I listened many times after but still I just seem to drift away.

  9. Rgn

    One of my favorites by Jackstock mainly because it is such a positive experience. Definitely have seen an improvement in myself at work. The trance is excellent. ** POTENTIAL SPOILERS ** My recollection of events varies slightly each listen. I feel transported from where I am while listening, sometimes I notice passing through the house into the sky. There is a purple fog. I cannot see the aliens but I am positioned on a bed or table, sometimes it seems I am stretched out. I feel peaceful and calm. No discomfort is felt. I can tell things are happening but do not recall what. I am awakened where I was abducted feeling fantastic!

  10. Ray Sell

    Jack demonstrates a skill in creating hypnosis files that few in the hypnosis community possess. The variety of his inductions, the pacing of the delivery, the crafting of the story he tells you is so intriguing that you want to do everything that he suggests to your mind. Yet he does it in a way that leaves you feeling a better person. Every person who listens to the file will leave a happier and healthier person. I don’t like the content of files to be given away before I listen to them. If people knew what was in this file, it would be a best seller. Yet Jack has provided to us free. Thanks so much for this marvelous gift and this wonderful site. I have enjoyed every one of your files that I have listened to.

  11. Jacob

    I have a lot of the trouble with the imagery in this file.

    • Paris

      I am french but I understand very wel Jack and I love this file that make me a better man, more positive, more in action and maybe more clerver. Thank you very much

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